Saudi National Day, Residential Mortgages in the Kingdom, and U.S.-Saudi Relations under President Biden

Saudi National Day, Residential Mortgages in the Kingdom, and U.S.-Saudi Relations under President Biden

In the second episode of THE 966, Richard Wilson and Lucien Zeigler discuss their "one big thing" this week in Saudi Arabia. Then the two hosts discuss the meaning behind Saudi Arabia's National Day, the dramatic increase in new residential mortgages in the Kingdom, and assessing U.S.-Saudi relations under President Biden so far.
In the first episode of THE 966, Richard Wilson and Lucien Zeigler discuss their "one big thing" this week in Saudi Arabia. Then the two hosts discuss the meaning behind Saudi Arabia's National Day, the dramatic increase in new residential mortgages in the Kingdom, and assessing U.S.-Saudi relations under President Biden so far. 
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